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We believe in building a strong mind
for a confident body on and off the stage.


Nutrition & Workout Programming

Get the custom combination you need with personalized nutrition goals, guidance and a workout plan for you!

Competition Preparation

Whether you are a beginner or experienced athlete - if you are interested in competing Naturally with the healthiest approaches possible - look no further!

Get stage ready and have an incredible, all-inclusive experience!


Master your stage presence and build your confidence so you can showcase all of your hard work on stage!

For beginners and experienced competitors!


Natural Competition Preparation & Lifestyle Coaching

LIFT Health Co. was founded in 2015 with one goal in mind: to help as many Women, from all walks of life, to feel strong and confident in their bodies.

Whether you are competing or working on building a lifestyle that you love,
we’ve got you!

This is a place like no other.


“Working with you ladies has made me become stronger physically and mentally and I’m forever grateful.”

- Brandi

“Working with Jackie has been life changing!
She helped me find who I am, remove the phrase “falling off the band wagon” and restore my confidence. Not only that she has helped my strength both physically and mentally!! I love being a part of the STRONGWOMAN team!”

- Macy

“Working with Jackie has restored my faith in good coaches again!”

- Kristina

 “Being a part of the LIFT Community has helped me grow and understand who I am. That it is ok to have set backs or an off week and that you have not failed. Tomorrow is a new day and to not ever give up or quit. This is life. Tons of support with amazing ladies and two of the best coaches who help you in every way possible - physically and mentally. <3”

- Coreena

 Follow us on social media!


Lifestyle + Fitness Photography


WNBF Canada Photography


NPAA Photography